In the episode 17 of ADOR LOVESHOTS, savor this appealing conversation between Udit Shah - CEO of Ador Dating and Mr. Pankaj Prasad Kalki - Commando, Writer and a Fitness Professional

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Please share a brief about you and your professional journey till now.
Although it is difficult to sum up the journey in words, I introduce myself in brief as - Commando by profession, writer by nature and Kalki by heart.
What influenced you towards "commando" profession and how did you prepare yourself to excel in the same?
There are four types of person who join military. For some it's just a job, for some it's a family trade, some are true patriots and then few join it just for the license to kill. I guess I have all four in equal proportion and I didn't prepare for it. It was all organic. My true self was always this.
You have been awarded Mr. Icon India 2020, please elaborate a bit about the achievement.
It was during lockdown period when I was stuck in leaves, I was waiting for my battalion's call. Then, I saw call-out for the contest of Mr. Icon India. I participated in the contest and fortunately won the same. Again, I had done no preparation for the same, I just had a will to participate in this contest.
You actively pursue your time in fitness and writing, how do you manage your time for developing your interests and passions?
I don't need to find time for both of these interests. Fitness is like a routine in defense. And then being away from family, wandering in jungle and missing the love of your life. You just attempt to write if you are a reader and writer inside.
How did you start your writing journey and how does it help you to connect with your inner self?
I started writing when I was in 12th. Fell in love with a girl. Then during my late night studies, I started writing as a break from studies and escape towards her thoughts. Writing helps me to connect with myself as I am an introvert. I don't have much people around me. So here comes "Dear Diary".
How does fitness help you in improving your mindset and goal?
Workout is the best stress buster plus a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. So it serves dual purpose.
How much time do you dedicate for fitness on daily/weekly basis?
I had never been regular with workouts due to the nature of my job. No fix hours or routine for fitness.
Fun and Rapid Fire Round on Ador Loveshots
Udit : One fitness influencer that you admire and follow the most?
Pankaj : The biggest fitness professional I admire the most but still unable to follow is "Bajrang Bali".
Udit : One quote that depicts your for "India"?
Pankaj : The most beautiful minutes of my life are still when I stand still for my national anthem and in any weather it successfully gives me the best goosebumps. (Hope it depicts my love for India).
Udit : Your biggest dream in life?
Pankaj : My biggest dream is to change the education of India. Making spirituality and army training compulsory. In precise, I believe in Gurukul Paddhati of education.
Udit : Your favorite author and why?
Pankaj : My favorite author keeps changing. I basically like the works first. In poetry, Dinkar is an all time favorite. Recent favorite is Tehzeeb Hafi. In Hindi, novel Premchand and in English, Amish Tripathi.
Udit : If you had a chance to spend one hour of your time which one of your role model he/she will be?
Pankaj : I don't have a prominent role model but I would love to spend time with Raashi Khanna. Besides that one of my senior officer "Shailendra Singh" had a great impact on my mind. He may be termed as a role model.
Udit: Thank you Pankaj sir for sharing your insightful journey with us.
As a founder of a "Purpose driven Venture", I thank you for sharing heart to heart conversation with me.
We are proud to have you on Ador Loveshots. It is your service to the nation that helps us live with ease with our families. I take this chance to showcase my admiration and respect for your service.